Dramski metod u praksi: Yota Stavrou i Maria Papatheodorou

99th kindergarten of Thessaloniki, Solun, Grčka

u saradnji sa

Maja Vuksanović, vaspitačica, vrtić „Kolibri“ PU „Naša radost“

from the book “ Nature tells children“
by Dušica Bojović
translation from serbian by Maja Vuksanović

Many years ago, one farmer put a bag full of seeds on their carts that pulled his horse Dorat. Farmer went to the market.

(Children imitate the farmers how to drive a carts)

The path was driving was an old country road, full of holes. The car was bouncing. When the wheel went over too deep hole … hop, one seed fell out of the bag to dry, hot country.

(Now the children are the seeds, curled on the ground)

„Oh, what will become of me?“ said the frightened seed, worried for their future. „I do not feel safe in this dusty road..For me is the best when I’m deep in the ground..“

Just at that moment was met by cows. She moved to the pasture. His foot slipped seed into the ground beside the road …

(One child is a cow, a second seed, and the cows pushed a little kid seed. Prepare a sheet and symbolically show the seed beneath the earth’s surface, covering every child-seed at the moment)

„Uh, that’s good. Now I’m covered with the ground, but if I do not get some water, I’m done. Without  water can not grow, to’ll dry up.“ seed again muttered.

At that moment, as if she heard the wail of the seed, the rain began to fall.

(Children imitate falling rain)           

The next morning, the seed appeared a few small green shoots. The seed is the day sunbathing and grew more and more.

(Children give slowly to each other hand to an imaginary sun)

The next day, appeared on the first leaves. They have helped to more sunlight absorbed young plant.

(Children hang on the fingers of previously chopped leaves)

That evening, hungry birds tried to eat the seeds, but the plant was firmly in the land. Stable stood with an extensive root.

(One child bird circling around the plant – children)

Passed many years. The changing of the seasons. It was raining, snowing, the sun is shining, the wind was blowing.

(Imitating sounds)

The seed has grown into a plant, and the plant became a tree.

(Children standing upright with arms outstretched)

If you go to the village, you might just see a tree that fell out of the bag. Today it is a wood lot and hard. Products new seeds.

The Tree would not be that little seed is not that day had a lot of luck.

Radionica iz knjige „Priroda deci pripoveda“

Pre mnogo godina jedan farmer je stavio džak pun semena na svoja kola koja je vukao njegov konj Dorat, Farmer je pošao je pijacu.

(deca oponašaju farmera kako vozi kola)

Put kojim je vozio bio je stari seoski put pun rupa. Kola su poskakivala. Kada je točak prešao preko baš duboke rupe… hop, jedno seme je ispalo iz džaka na suvu, vrelu zemlju.

(sada su deca seme, sklupčano na zemlji)

„Jao, šta će biti sa mnom?“ reklo je uplašeno seme, zabrinuto za svoju budućnost. „Ne osećam se siguno na ovoj prašnjavom putu. Meni je najlepše u zemlji.“

Baš u tom trenutku putem je naišla krava. Krenula je na pašu. Nogom je ćušnula seme u zemlju kraj puta..

(jedno dete je krava, a drugo je seme i malo gurne svako dete-seme. Pripremite čaršav i simbolički prikažite seme ispod površine zemlje, pokrivajući svako dete-seme na momenat)

„Uh, dobro je. Sada sam pokriven zemljom. ali ako uskoro ne popijem malo vode, gotov sam. Bez vode ne mogu da rastem, Osušiću se.“ seme je opet promrmljalo.

U tom trenutku, kao da je čula jadikovku semena, kiša je počela da pada.

(deca oponašaju padanje kiše)

Sledećeg jutra na semenu se pojavilo nekoliko malih, zelenih izdanaka. Seme se celog dana  sunčalo i raslo sve više i više.

(deca pružaju polako jednu pa drugu ruku prema zamišljenom suncu)

Sledećeg dana pojavili su se prvi listići. Oni su pomagali da što više sunčeve svetlosti mlada biljka upije.

(okačite deci na prste prethodno iseckane listiće)

Te večeri gladna ptica je pokušala da pojede seme. Ali ono se do tada dobro učvrstilo u zemlji. Stabilno je stajalo na svom razgranatom korenu. (jedno dete ptica kruži oko biljke-dece)

Prošlo je mnogo godina. Smenjivala su se godišnja doba. Padala je kiša, sneg, sijalo je sunce, duvao je vetar.

(oponašanje zvukova)

Seme je poraslo u biljku, a biljka je postala drvo.

(deca stoje uspravno sa raširenim rukama)

Ako odete na selo možda ćete videti baš to drvo koje je ispalo iz džaka. Danas je to drvo veliko i jako. Proizvodi novo semenje.

Drveta ne bi bilo da malo seme nije toga dana imalo mnogo sreće.